
Finding Wholeness:

 Two-Part Workshop Exploring Seeming Opposites

“Sun Self” & “Shadow Self” Mandala


 “Integrating Polarities” Mandorla

(Each workshop can be taken separately.)

Sun Self/Shadow Self Mandala Description:

What surprising gifts does your “shadow self” have to share with you?

Sun and shadow define each other; one cannot have one without the other. By exploring our “sun symbols” (the part we feel we are most like) and their opposites through pastels, collage and writing exercises, we can more deeply understand the ways in which the “shadow” part of us has gifts or messages for us. The interplay between our “sun symbols” and our “shadow symbols” can help us integrate to wholeness as represented by the mandalas we create. For persons of all artistic abilities!

Integrating Polarities Mandorla Description:

What common ground do seemingly opposite desires share? Is there room for common ground?

We all have parts of our lives that seem at odds with each other. Examples include the need for family-time and professional time, or the desire for independence and the desire for community. The mandorla is two mandalas intersecting to symbolize the interaction and integration of opposites. Using guided mediation and creative exploration we will discover where our wholeness lies.

Dates Saturdays, Oct. 20 & Nov. 3 9:30-12:30

Mandala/Mandorla Workshop for Adults & Teens aged 15 and older

Maximum of 12 participants for each class

Cost: $35-40 per person for both classes sliding scale. If just taking one class, cost is $20. All materials included.

Kirsten Carpentier
