VIA Artistica hosts a variety of art-related programs throughout the year.
Free Events
- Once a month gatherings in the Commons with a local guest artist.
- Artists’ Way gatherings/meet-up groups
- Gentle Critique groups
- Annual Art Materials Swap
- Annual Open House
Core Classes (offered on a regular schedule)
- Make and Take – short (2-3 hours) guided projects, leave with a finished product
- Survey of Art Materials – once a week for 10 weeks (timing same as Vibe classes)
- Intro Classes – once a week for six weeks 2-3 hours), could be any subject (ex. Intro to Polymer, Intro to IMovie, Intro to Color)
- Exploration Classes – once a week for six weeks (2-3 hours), could be any subject (ex. Explore Polymer, Explore IMovie, Explore Color)
Workshops and Retreats
- Master Workshops – full day or two day workshops with well-known instructors
- Retreats – guided by a VIA founder – sometimes teamed with a guest artist? Retreats are an opportunity to gather with a retreat guide – once a month/quarter? – themed by season? by material? (Ex. polymer clay retreat.)
- Life Spiral
Open Studios for Members
- Bring your project, do art together with others.
- We provide a collection of supplies/tools that can be used by members
- First and Third Sundays
- After the core classes for a couple hours?
Registration Information